Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sailing Lake Norman

Nothing too exciting, but I finally got the boat out for some sailing again, been quite a while! I've been doing a lot of mountain bike racing as well as playing on the powerboat. It's too bad because we have had good winds down here lately.

Going out was a straight shot downwind, then a couple lazy reaches across the bigger part of the bay. Coming in was a fair bit of tacking and I wasn't in a hurry but not super impressed with my tacking angles but really not too bad. All in all a nice relaxing day, except for a stowaway that decided to scamper across my foot partway out. A nice size wolf spider has been living down by the keel apparently. Hopefully he has moved on, really do not want to meet him again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep him around looks like he could eat a mouse.